Bringing Health and Comfort to Your Home with Passive House Design

KMK Property Solutions is in the vanguard of the highest and construction technology 

-Are you concerned about the health and wellbeing of you and your loved ones?
-Do you believe that your home may be making you sick?

With the increasing number of autoimmune illnesses, it's important to consider all aspects of your environment, including your home. At KMK Property Solutions – Building Group, we understand the importance of creating a healthy and comfortable living space for you and your family.

Passive Homes

We believe that building a home should be about more than just creating a beautiful structure. A home should be a safe and healthy environment that provides fresh air, comfort, and peace of mind. That's why we specialize in building and renovating Passive Houses, using innovative design and construction techniques to create homes that are not only visually appealing but also healthy for you and your family.

Passive House Design, developed in Germany, is at the forefront of sustainable architecture. It focuses on reducing energy consumption in buildings by up to 90% compared to conventional construction methods, while providing a comfortable living space.

Our team of experts is accredited directly from Germany, ensuring that we are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques in Passive House Design and Construction. We take all steps of the construction process into consideration, from design for climate and passive heating and cooling, to orientation, thermal mass, insulation, glazing, shading, skylights, roof windows, ventilation, and airtightness.

Our aim is to provide you with a lifetime of thermal comfort, low energy bills, and low greenhouse gas emissions, all while creating a safer and healthier home for you and your family. We have seen the positive impact that Passive House Design has had on families who have renovated or built their homes using this method.

From improved health and recovery from illnesses to a reduction in energy bills, the benefits are numerous. Invest in your future and the health of your loved ones with KMK Property Solutions – Building Group.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can create a healthy and comfortable home for you. 

Contact us today

We will build your dream home with the latest technology and innovation. 
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